+ What is it?

  1. AKA dermal fillers. A form of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occuring substance that provides immediate plumping, smoothing and definition to lips.
  2. Results are immediate and last on average from 6-12 months.

+ Types:

  1. Juvederm Volbella

  2. Juvederm Ultra

  3. Juvederm Ultra Plus

  4. Restylane Refyne

  5. Restylane Defyne

  6. RHA Collection

  7. Versa

+ What to expect:

  1. Swelling is expected and typically subsides within 24-48 hours.

  2. Lips are vascular (that’s why they’re so pink!) so expect some bruising. Bruising typically subsides within 5-6 days.

  3. Slight tenderness to the lips is normal and resolves within 24-48 hours

  4. Small lumps and bumps may occur- filler is moldable which can create small bumps after injection. But no need to worry- we advise to massage these out for a couple of days and those pesky lumps should be gone.

+ Post Care:

  1. Ice on and off for the first 24 hours to help minimize swelling and bruising

  2. Avoid smoking for first 24 hours

  3. Refrain from strenuous exercise for first 24 hours