How many electrolysis treatments will be necessary? ...
The amount of treatments necessary to achieve permanent hair removal will vary from individual to individual. It is dependent on many factors. Your electrologist will be able to give a preliminary estimate of how many treatments will be needed after a thorough evaluation.
Is electrolysis permanent? ...
Electrolysis is the only method of hair removal considered permanent by the United States Food and Drug administration (FDA).
What does electrolysis feel like? ...
How electrolysis feels is dependent on several factors. Every person will have a different experience. Various areas of the body experience different sensations. The feeling has been compared to a small sensation of heat within the skin or a tingling sensation.
What can one expect after electrolysis? ...
Some people may experience some redness and swelling in the treated areas. These usually resolve in a few hours after treatment has been completed.
Is electrolysis safe? ...
Electrolysis is safe for all areas of the body with the exception of hairs inside the nose or ears. Hairs external to the ears are also safe.
How does electrolysis compare to other forms of hair removal? ...
Unlike other methods of hair removal, electrolysis is safe and effective for permanent hair removal on all skin types, skin colors and all hair colors.