Hair Follicle Sensitivity

Hair growth and sensitivity are influenced by various factors, from genetics to hormonal fluctuations. Here's what you need to know about hair follicle sensitivity:

1. Development of Hair Follicles:

  • Hair follicles develop during the prenatal period and are present at birth.

  • It's rare for new hair follicles to develop in adults.

2. Gender and Hair Distribution:

  • Contrary to common belief, there's no difference in the distribution of hair follicles between males and females.

  • Differences in hair patterns between genders are primarily due to variations in circulating androgens (male hormones).

3. Androgens and Hair Growth:

  • Androgens play a significant role in male traits and reproductive activity.

  • In females, androgens may stimulate hair growth when certain intrinsic or extrinsic factors come into play.

  • Intrinsic factors include genetic predispositions or hormonal imbalances, while extrinsic factors may include stress, medications, or topical substances.

4. Age and Hormonal Changes:

  • Perimenopause, the period preceding menopause, can lead to hormonal fluctuations that may influence hair growth.

  • During menopause, the decline in estrogen levels may result in changes in hair texture and growth patterns.

  • Puberty, pregnancy, and menopause are common times for the development of unwanted hair in women, while men may experience genetic hair growth through middle age.

5. Identifying Normal vs. Abnormal Hair Growth:

  • Sudden or abnormal hair growth can sometimes indicate underlying medical conditions or medication side effects.

  • Factors such as genetics, hormone production, and sensitivity to androgens contribute to individual differences in hair growth.

6. Professional Guidance for Hair Removal:

  • A skilled electrologist understands the complex factors influencing hair growth and can provide tailored recommendations for hair removal.

  • At Limoges Electrolysis, Emily offers personalized consultations to address clients' hair removal goals and concerns.

Understanding hair follicle sensitivity and the factors influencing hair growth is essential for effective hair removal strategies. Whether it's addressing hormonal changes or genetic predispositions, seeking professional guidance can help individuals achieve their hair removal goals safely and effectively. Schedule a free consultation with Emily at Limoges Electrolysis to explore your options for hair removal.


Electrolysis During Pregnancy


Shaving Does NOT Make Hair Grow Back Thicker or More Coarse!